خرداد ۲۴، ۱۳۸۸

بالاترین در دست تعمیر است!

بالاترین در دست تعمیر است!

Due to the current events happening in Iran, Balatarin's traffic has trippled in the recent days. Almost 1 million Balatarin pages are viewed every day. To serve all these visitors in this crucial time, we need $14000 to buy two powerful servers to server all the visitors.

Users have faced outage of the website most of the day. We have limited resources and can not afford more expensive servers. It's up to the community to support Balatarin at this time.

If you are regular visitor, please help circulation of free information by donating to Balatarin. If you live outside of Iran and feel that you can't do enough, this can be one way to help. All of us need to know what is going on in Iran and there is no place better than Balatarin to find that out.

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